Meet the Chef

Fernando Lopez-Aliaga: World-Traveling Master Chef

Fernando Lopez-Aliaga is a seasoned culinary expert with a passion for creating unique and diverse dishes. Born in Manhattan to a Japanese mother and Peruvian father, Fernando’s early exposure to varied cuisines laid the foundation for his innovative culinary creations.

His journey in the culinary world began unexpectedly, transitioning from art school to the kitchen. Through perseverance and dedication, he honed his skills, eventually earning roles at prestigious venues like the New York Islanders’ stadium and the US Open.

Fernando’s love for travel and adventure complements his dynamic culinary style. His signature dishes, such as “Salmon Yakitori with an H. Clark Gin Mirin Glaze” and “Citrus Lobster Salad on Watermelon Discs,” reflect his family’s Japanese and Spanish heritage.

A risk-taker by nature, Fernando’s diverse experiences extend beyond the kitchen, including scuba diving and skydiving. 

As Chef Fernando Lopez-Aliaga looks ahead to new opportunities, his rich background and culinary expertise ensure he’s poised for success in any venture. Keep an eye out for his contributions to Nashville’s dynamic culinary scene.